"For Clemency"

(photo by: annonymous)
A baby in her mother’s womb:
implicit hope to live, she died;
what fostered growth, afforded doom—
“Umbilical,” the doctor sighed.
And though her mother gave delivery
her father named her Clemency.
These little creatures fall from hope
mishandled by the government;
I shouldn’t speak of them, I know,
but I was once this rudiment.
While those who’ve past, condemned this policy,
their inborn cry was clemency!
And so it is with politic,
the people vote their social goal;
assuming matters must affect
consensus of “the common whole”.
Amidst this ballet-botched democracy
we trample over clemency.
It wasn’t many years ago
God’s chosen people suffered loss;
and like a fire in the flow
all Europe swam in holocaust.
The public turned the state to tyranny—
a vice, forbidding clemency.
Exchanging humor, knowledge, truth
Humanity—we take and bless;
sojourning from our former youth
in philanthropic tenderness.
though plagued with sorrow and infirmity
we interact with clemency.
Considering this social must
reflects innate depravity;
that hearts embrace repentant trust
accepting God’s kind amnesty.
Confessing Christ, the Judge eternally,
our sin is quenched in clemency.
But not without the Judges grief;
for us, the Father gave his Son
who, crucified just like a thief—
dependently cried out for home;
“Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani.”
God gave himself for Clemency.
by Wm. Rieppe Moore