Tuesday, March 28, 2006

kick me in the ke

last night was lots of fun. Patrick and i played an absurd game of words and grammar. Patrick discovered a eupherism, "spakingly", which is the past-past perfect of "to speak", yet it is also an adverb and could possibly be used as a demonstrative, depending on the situation. i couldn't go to sleep last night, not because the floor was uncomfortable, but because Patrick and i continued to play the game, eventually arriving at the letter "s", which resulted in seriously sagacious humor and also minimizing the amount of sleep we'd get. so, naturally, i was pleasantly surprised to find the internet accidentally titled a track from one of my albums, "Kick Me In the Ke" (even though the correct title is "We Must Go"). i said to myself, "whoever is responsible for this unusual name, probably suffers from staying up late into the night playing the unwinable-word-game."

the below is an excerpt from an unusually entertaining evening

Patrick: "paddle"
Rieppe: "puddle"
Patrick: "piddle"
Rieppe: "prattle"
Patrick: "prate"
Rieppe: "pat"

the two players exchange glances, laughter ensues, and the game resumes

Patrick: "pitch"
Rieppe: "pit"
Patrick: "pick"
Rieppe: "prick"
Patrick: "prize"
Rieppe: "price"
Patrick: "predispose"
Rieppe: "presuppose"
Patrick: "pray"
Rieppe: "propose"
Patrick: "preach"
Rieppe: "pastor"

this sort of game-versation continued until the wee hours of the morning. although there was no winner: just fun...


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