Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"She Cornered Continents"

(photo by: Dianne Varner)
She cornered continents with her eyes
and voyaged with her soul.
She startled pirates in disguise
and freed them from control.

She erred where every error berths
and trusted not in trust.
She searched for something more than worth
and sailed for truth or bust.

She worried not in our affairs
and counted not her days.
She rarely cared for other’s cares
and sighed at other’s praise

I found her walking on the beach
beside me east and west;
I knew she walked beyond my reach,
despite my pure request.

Since then I hear her in my dreams
hum songs that poets sing;
She travels by so close it seams
her eyes are beckoning.

by Wm. Rieppe Moore


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