Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dear Nearly: Part 15 "Tinnitus"

unfortunately, our relationship now suffers under the effects of your dabbling in the affairs of my family. my Mother has recently undergone immediate hearing loss (IHL) in her right ear and in her left ear she hears the tinnitus bell's incessant chime. Dr. Hill has prescibed her with some anti-viral medication and a steroid to stem swelling, but you and i both know with whom her best hope remains. seeming and attempting to create a wedge between my Mother's senses from the others; you might have partially taken her hearing but she remains spiritually undichotomous. so supposing you might disentigrate my relationship with her and her relationships with the rest of the family, you miss your mark terribly and, Nearly, i should say although you almost took her hearing, you might have chosen a less egregious more promising tactic. (photo by: annonymous)


At 2:39 PM, Blogger Beth said...

I've been praying for your mom, and will continue to pray. The most important voice that she can hear is the voice of her Father in Heaven.


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