"It Swells In Silence"

it swells in silence and arrays the host
while nearly terminating that by which we boast
sustains existence by reserved display
rejoices in its growing hope throughout the day
made merciful by unexpected chance
to others who await the winsome circumstance
leads men to heaven who lived amidst a hell
much like a grit of sand within an oyster shell
that bends though polishes and wounds the flesh
to teach the heartless brute of tragic tenderness
so seeming sentimental silence sends
effects for lovers by affections dividends
as mental wrinkles weigh the heart of trust
it beckons lovers stumble wherever they are thrust
contented by the company of one
although senescent wherewithal will come
unbreakable, unbroken, stretches still,
and seeks to win the bachelor though it can kill
and as it sleighs the lonely, ostracized
it raises him by that same hope which it relies.
by Wm. Rieppe Moore
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Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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